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messy commute

I forgot that today was the first day of the month.  Thus, I forgot to:

 1) buy a VTA pass
    * I scrambled to buy a ticket, but the light rail took off before I
      could finish
    * so, I ended up taking the 181 for $4
 2) tag on with my clipper card on Caltrain
    * I told the conductor
    * he was nice enough to show me where to jump off the train, and swipe
      my card

Also, my Verizon wireless connection was very flakey today -- didn't get
as much done as I wanted to.

Call me when you get in the area.  I'd like to leave here around 5:30pm.
Looks like Oren's is between Ramona and Bryant on University.

Why do you want this page removed?