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Fw: [SouthBayVeggies] “Vanishing of the Bees” documentary

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I just finished watching this really very awesome and informative documentary...I watched it in segments, as it is long....
It is very important that we as activists watch this. 
It is scary. The Bees are disappearing with no dead bodies around. They are leaving. Where are they going and why?...this touches on the collapse of our food chain/supply if we don't figure it out. 
Ellen your gonna like this one!
It is done very well and well worth the hour so so to watch it. 
(it is in a Mercola letter ...sorry.. but that is the only way to watch it free "for a limited time").

Story at-a-glance 
	* Honeybees are responsible for one-third of our food supply, yet they are disappearing at a startling rate in a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD
	* The documentary “Vanishing of the Bees” takes a piercing investigative look at the economic, political and ecological implications of the worldwide disappearance of the honeybee, and it’s viewable here FREE, for a limited time
	* CCD is most likely the result of a constellation of factors, one of the largest being the growing contamination of their hives with pesticides, especially the newer systemic pesticides, or neonicotinoids
	* Bees appear to be suffering catastrophic effects after exposure to even low levels of certain pesticides, including inability to fight off infections, nervous system damage, disorientation and impaired navigation
	* Bees are increasingly being raised “factory farm�le with artificial food, artificial insemination, and grossly unnatural hive conditions that further stress the colony, highlighting an urgent need to return to more natural beekeeping traditions
Paris Harvey  
My Facebook  Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or exploit in any way. We are not their "owners". We are their guardians.   
" Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: They're only animals." ~ Theodor W. Adorno (1903 –1969), German sociologist, philosopher and musicologist.
Think you can be an environmentalist and still eat meat? Think again... Meats Not Green 
No cage free. No Free Range. No slavery. No torture. No compromise.... Stop eating dead animals!

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