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FW: unattended-upgrades result for 'mini'

Looks like there was a major upgrade for Linux Mint.  Could get a bit
hairy.  I'll do it on Saturday since it will probably take a few hours.

(My Macbook Pro has the same issue.)

 > From: root <root@mini>
 > Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 08:05:22 -0700
 > Unattended upgrade returned: False
 > Packages that are upgraded:
 >  acroread acroread-data acroread-debian-files acroread-dictionary-en 
 >  acroread-l10n-en debian-system-adjustments firefox 
 >  firefox-l10n-en-us gtkpod-aac-data libavutil-dev libavutil51 
 >  libdvdcss2 libfaac-dev libfaac0 libmp3lame-dev libmp3lame0 
 >  libswscale-dev libswscale2 libx264-dev mint-artwork-debian 
 >  mint-backgrounds-debian mint-info-debian mint-meta-codecs 
 >  mint-meta-common mint-x-theme mintupdate-debian mintupload 
 >  thunderbird thunderbird-l10n-en-us 
 > Packages with upgradable origin but kept back:
 >  gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gtkpod-aac libavcodec53 libavformat53 libgtkpod1 
 >  libvlc5 mint-meta-debian mintmenu mplayer vlc vlc-data vlc-nox 
 >  vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-pulse 

Why do you want this page removed?