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Re: oaxacan restaurant (fwd)

 > Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 17:55:22 -0700
 > From: h <http://www.gmail.com/~h40>
 >  Sunday  night?   hlh
 >  On  Fri,  Mar  30,  2012  at  3:37  PM,  Noelle
 >  <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>  wrote:
 >  >  On  Fri,  30  Mar  2012,  h  wrote:
 >  >>  Good  news  --  my  loan  check  just  came  in  so  all's  well  and  
 >  >>  I  can  pay
 >  >>  off  the  bankruptcy  next  week!   And  have  a  few  K  in  my  
 >  >>  checking.
 >  >>
 >  >>  What  a  relief;  you  can't  imagine.   I  feel  like  I  see  the  
 >  >>  light  at  the
 >  >>  end  of  a  very  long  scary  financial  tunnel.
 >  >>
 >  >>  Keep  me  apprised  about  the  job.
 >  >>
 >  >>  Do  you  Twitter?   Never  looked  at  it.   :-)
 >  >
 >  >  a  friend  in  LA  only  Tweets  or  posts  on  Facebook  so  the  only  
 >  >  way  to  stay  in
 >  >  regular  contact  with  her  would  be  to  join  Twitter,  since  I  
 >  >  didn't  want  to
 >  >  join  Facebook.  I  joined  when  Egypt's  Tahrir  Sq  was  active  and  
 >  >  it  was
 >  >  interesting  to  see  what  the  Egyptians  were  saying  as  stuff  was 
 >  >   changing
 >  >  fast.
 >  >
 >  >>  On  Fri,  Mar  30,  2012  at  2:14  PM,  Noelle
 >  >>  <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>  wrote:
 >  >>  >  On  Fri,  30  Mar  2012,  h  wrote:
 >  >>  >
 >  >>  >>
 >  >>  >>  Let's  try  that  oaxacan  restaurant  you  mentioned  soon.
 >  >>  >>
 >  >>  >  OK!!
 >  >>  >>  I  will  bring  your  $44.
 >  >>  >>
 >  >>  >>  I  am  free  next  weekend  on  Sat.  &  Sun  nites.
 >  >>  >>
 >  >>  >>  How  bout  you  guys?
 >  >>  >
 >  >>  >  not  sure  yet.  Depends  on  if  I  get  that  job.  Recruiter  
 >  >>  >  didn't  know the
 >  >>  >  status  as  of  12:30  today.
 >  >>  >>
 >  >>  >>  hlh
 >  >>  >>
 >  >>  >>  PS  Really  enjoyed  Pastis.  ?What  were  your  thoughts?
 >  >>  >>
 >  >>  >  yes,  I  would  like  to  try  it  again,  it  all  sounds  tasty  
 >  >>  >  to  me.
 >   Their
 >  >>  >  website  is  not  up  and  running  yet,  but  they  post  a  photo  
 >  >>  >  of  their
 >  >>  >  chalkboard  specials  on  Twitter  every  day.

Why do you want this page removed?