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Re: How is it so far?

 > From: Bill Bruns <http://profiles.yahoo.com/billbruns>
 > Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 17:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
 > Hi Robert,
 > So you have been at the new job for two days.
 > What is it like?

It's mostly learning stuff at this point.

The most recent meeting (Friday), the CEO said it's really time to push to
meet all the expectations of the customers/clients we're gathering.

 > How is it going?

The pros are (1) I have a paycheck and health insurance and (2) I'm
learning about new technologies.  The cons are (1) I don't really care
much for my co-workers, (2) I'm doubtful that I'll meet their
productivity expectations, and (3) the commute is already painful and will
just get worse.

I still feel it was a mistake giving up my job at MS so early.  However,
it's still early days, so who knows?  Maybe it'll grow on me.  Or maybe
they'll just fire me.  Can't tell yet.

 > Bill

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