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Re: Birthday tomorrow

 > From: http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl
 > Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 12:35:52 -0400
 > As if...  I sent a package so it might be there at your homestead Mon.
 > Tues.?  Look out for it .  Also if you want me to send anything in the
 > future at a different address let us know.

I think we got it today.

 > ?  And the little big question is how's the new job thus far?

I dislike it so far and feel it was a mistake giving up my job at MS so

But, it's early days, so who knows?  Maybe it'll grow on me.  Or maybe
they'll just fire me.  Can't tell yet.

 > In inquisitive spirit,
 > YKW

Why do you want this page removed?