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Searching and found someone who went to Loring

I don't think I want to chat with him(Patrick) though.  Oy,oy,oy.

That sounds great. I wish Nick the best and the most important thing for
him to remember is to stay focus. It's easy to get distracted at Job
Corps because some people go there to fool around. I wish him the best.

So where are you from? Can you chat for a while?



From: "http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl"; <http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl>
To: http://profiles.yahoo.com/jp_sfx 
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2012 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: Thank you for liking my comment

Hi Patrick-
I did very much like reading your experience/comment. ...nice of you to
get back to me. Someone I know is going there to LJCC (Loring Job Corps
Center) in Limestone, Maine next week. I took the liberty of sending your
write-up to his mother. I will let you know how that 'someone''(Nick)
does when he does get to Job Corps. 
Happy New Year to U and thanks for posting your encouraging write up!
Warm regards,
On Mon, 9 Jan 2012 11:48:42 -0800 (PST) Jason J <http://profiles.yahoo.com/jp_sfx>

My name is Patrick and I saw that you like my comment about my Job Corps
post. Did you ever go to Job Corps? How is life treating you? Let me know
what's new and lets chat. Happy New Years! :)



Job Corps from someone who attended

I went to LJCC (Loring Job Corps Center) in Limestone, Maine. I studied
Computer Tech. I actually thought it was more of a college environment,
but once I got there learned that it was mainly designed for dropouts and
criminals lol. It was a good place though. I miss it a lot. I'll tell you
a bit about it. 

If you're going to go to a campus, I'd highly recommend the Loring base
in Limestone. It's very scenic and the staff people are all nice. I'll
run you through a typical day:

You are to be out of your dorm by 7:30 and make sure your bed is made.
Eat breakfast (the food was really good, though everyone complained about
it) and be at your shop by 8. Lunch break at like, 12.. Eat. Shop until
4. After that you can pretty much just do what you want. Dinner ends at
like, 6:30. They have a rec center, where they have a little movie
theater, a gym, a gamer room with computers networked together and a huge
tv where you can set up gaming consoles and play with people. They also
have a music room (I was the music room manager) with a drum set, a
piano, a guitar, a bass and a mic. It's a fun time. They also have an art
room. AND they have a racquetball room which is awesome. 

On Tuesdays there is linen exchange. You take your pillow cases and
sheets to your RA (Residential Advisor) office and get new linen. On
Thursdays there is Stewardship. From 6:30 - 8:00 PM you're in your room
cleaning. Dusting, vacuum, etc. They'll come inspect it and such to make
sure it's clean.

At Loring, you'll only have one roommate, and share a bathroom with a
dorm next door to you that usually has two people in it. Sometimes you'll
score and not have to have a roommate, though they are pretty laid back
when it comes to requesting roommates. 

There is a lot of drama up there, fights, etc. But if you find a small
crowd of good people, you should be able to avoid most of it. The ratio
for guys to girls are like 5 to 1. Drugs and alcohol are strictly
prohibited and last I knew they banned smoking, but it caused such a...
problem, so I don't know if they've let it back in yet or what.

If you want to leave campus, you can do so on Friday after shop. You have
to sign out and sign back in on Sunday (If you live on the campus, that
is. I'm from Ma so I lived on the campus)

You can bring stuff with you, and you have to log in just about every
item so they know what you own so theft isn't such an issue. 

I lost a ton of weight up there!! The buildings are so damn far apart
there is so much walking involved throughout the day. Plus the gym and
the racquetball room and they serve healthy food. I went up there and
weighed in at 300, and when I came out I was 248. I was only up there for
about 4 months. 

And as for how long it takes to complete. That depends really. I already
had my diploma and passed academic testing so I didn't need to take
academics or do any GED or diploma program. Some do, and some even get
their driver's license up there. And there are some courses that ARE two
years so you could be up there for a long time if you wanted to.

Like you, I was having a ton of job, family and living arrangement
problems so Job Corps was definitely a good choice. They flew me up there
and drove me to the base and everything. 

Overall it was such a life changing experience. It's like a little secret
society up there. It's quite amazing. There are a lot of idiots at every
given time, and it seemed like each new batch of kids were worse and more
ghetto every time, but you learn to stay away from negative people. If
you can handle a very structured lifestyle with a strict routine you'll
be all set. It was one of the best things I've done.

Oh, and yes they do pay you. It's like $25 bi weekly. To most of the
people up there, it was not enough but I live cheaply and since you're
living for free up there, it wasn't bad at all. It was more than enough
to get the things I needed. And soap, shampoo, etc are provided up there.
Also, they pay you upon completion. Things may be differently now days
because I was up there in 2006. 

That about covers it I think..... If there's ANYthing else you'd like to
know, feel free to DM me I'd be glad to let you know anything else about

Good luck!

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