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Re: [Sonic #1964822] my Fusion ADSL

** This is an automated response; there is no need to reply **

Sonic.net Support has received your mail regarding:
  my Fusion ADSL

Your message has been received and assigned a request number 1964822.  To
help us track the progress of your request, we ask that you include the string
"Sonic #1964822" in the 'Subject' line of further mail on this topic.  For

	Subject: Re: [Sonic #1964822] my Fusion ADSL

Our technical personnel will process your message as soon as possible; if
desired, you may call our support department at (707) 547-3400 or
888-766-4233 between the hours of 6am and 11pm PDT Monday - Friday, or
8am - 10pm PDT Saturday and Sunday. If you followup by phone, please cite this
ticket number so that we can close out your request.

Online help can be found at http://www.sonic.net/support also see our
Forums at https://forums.sonic.net and Frequently Asked Questions at

If you should resolve this issue prior to our response, please reply to this
ticket and let us know that it can be closed.

Sonic.net Support

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