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RE: Error Code 14 (KMM130930310V6475L0KM)


Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

We're very sorry that you've received an error code while using Yahoo! 
Mail. For most customers, these errors are a temporary problem that most
likely has resolved itself by now. However, we would like to provide you
with some additional information that may assist you in troubleshooting.

Steps that can cause an error code are: (but are not limited to) 

* You have deleted or moved a message, and then tried to access it. 

* You are running several windows or tabs open in the same Yahoo! Mail 

* You are running Yahoo! email service, in conjunction with another 
email service. (such as outlook or your mobile phone email service)

You can always try hitting the refresh button, closing some windows or 
making sure you are only signed into 1 account. However, if you are 
repeatedly experiencing these errors, please reply to this message and a
Customer Care agent will respond within 24 hours.
Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Mail.



Yahoo! Customer Care

Be sure to check the Official Yahoo! Mail Blog for more information on 
product updates, new releases, and bug fixes!

   - http://www.ymailblog.com/

Original Message Follows:


Yahoo! ID: robertnokidding

Email Address: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert

Yes: Error Code 14

"Information Passed In":
"from_url" : http://help.yahoo.com/

While Viewing: http://help.yahoo.com/

Form Name: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/forms/ta14/ta14_f.html

Yahoo ID: robertnokidding : Yahoo id from cookie  

Other ID: 

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 
Netscape/7.1 StumbleUpon/1.89


REMOTE_HOST: 69-12-146-188.dsl.static.sonic.net

Date Originated: Friday August 1, 2008 - 06:49:01



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