-----Original Message----- From: Curry, Rob - Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:33 PM To: Noelle Subject: Re: bike racks We will get some bigger bike racks. Thanks ----- Original Message ----- From: Noelle To: Curry, Rob - Sent: Wed May 16 08:40:52 2007 Subject: bike racks Tomorrow is Bike to Work Day and I try to commute by bike here a few days a week. Could I suggest more racks in front? Lately they have been rather full and bicyclists have been locking their bikes on other things. One of the racks by the outpatient entrance sometimes is blocked by the construction trucks. Also, more bikes have bigger tires now and it's harder to lock them on these older style racks. If you get new racks, could you get the tubular looking ones? Thanks!