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Re: Sieg Howdy! (fwd)

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 11:32:57 -0800
From: George Chen <http://www.alternativetentacles.com/~press>
To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
Subject: Re: Sieg Howdy!

Hi Noelle
Thanks for contacting Jello Biafra and Alternative Tentacles. Jello
doesn't use e-mail so you message was forwarded to me, his publicist.
My understanding is that if you use iTunes and incorrect information
comes up, it was probably submitted by a user. I'll see if we can do
anything to change it in a directory like Gracenote, etc.

**Please include the original message in your response**

George Chen
Publicity for Alternative Tentacles Records
box 419092, San Francisco, CA 94141-9092
phn: 510.596.8981 fax: 510.596.8982
AIM: georgezum

*I Object - Teaching Revenge
**Knights of the New Crusade - A Challenge to the Cowards of Christendom
***16 Horsepower - Live 2xDVD
****BlöödHag - Hell Bent for Letters
*****Fleshies - Scrape the Walls
******Fish Karma - Theory of Intelligent Design
*******Disaster Strikes - Liberty Toast
********The Heads - Under the Stress of a Headlong Dive
*********Turn Me On Dead Man - Technicolour Mother
**********Blowfly - Blowfly's Punk Rock Party
***********Subhumans (Canada) - New Dark Age Parade
************Ludicra - Fex Urbis, Lex Orbis
*************Pilot Scott Tracy - We Cut Loose
Coming soon!!!
October 24th: Jello Biafra - In the Grip of Official Treason
October 24th: Ratos De Porao - Homem Inimigo do Homem
November 21st: Robert Fisk - War, Journalism, and the Middle East
Janury 23rd: Metal Urbain - J'irai Chier Dans Ton Vomi
On Nov 3, 2006, at 9:26 AM, Noelle wrote:

> I bought Sieg Howdy recently from Tower REcords.I put it into my Mac
> Mini and it said Kali-fornia Uber Alles was on Track 5,but Wholly Buy
> Bull was on it. It did come up on Track 7. What the hell is going on?
> Is it listed in the wrong order? Is it the Mac's fault? I'm confused.
> Has this happened to anyone else? I didn't know who to ask about this,
> so I thought I should bring this to your attention.
> Thanks for all your work!
> Noelle
> PS my husband woke up early this morning with a lot of worry on his
> face.I asked him what was wrong. He said "I hate Schwarzenegger so
> much!Why is he ahead?What's wrong with the voters?"

Why do you want this page removed?