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EA photos, EA list, etc.

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MessageWow, everyone. What a lovely little EA flurry.

Faith is right. We do have a list for former EAers. It's called
http://www.yahoogroups.com/~XEA. I started it shortly before most of us were axed from
EA in '99. I modeled it after the idea of another list for former employees
of a company I has worked for called Ingres. THAT list has been going strong
since '94, and has been a great resource for all kinds of things, including
staying in touch.

But the XEA list has been very very quiet, although it still has 61
subscribers (though, I think, quite a few of the messages are bouncing.) I
would love to see it revived and refreshed.  I also advocated for a reunion
in the first year or two after '99, but nobody took me up on it.

Anyway, you are all more than welcome to subscribe to it. It's very easy.
You send a blank email to http://www.yahoogroups.com/~xea-subscribe.

And, if you want, you can put a link to the photos, or even the photos
themselves, in the list archives and tools that come with every yahoogroups
list. Or I can do it, if you send me the files.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Faith Weber - ESC [http://www.esystem.com/~faithw]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 9:02 AM
  To: http://www.pacbell.net/~watawala
  Cc: http://www.sbcglobal.net/~jonniep
  Subject: RE: EA Photos

  Hi Lakshman,

  Sorry I missed you all! Actually there already is an "xea" group, but it's
been underutilized to say the least. Since it seems like there may be
renewed interest, I'm copying the list administrator, Jonnie Pekelny (she is
definitely post-1993 so you may not recognize her name).

  Jonnie, I forget how this works - whether you send an email inviting
people to join or what - but maybe you can let us know.

  Thanks for passing on the photos etc!


    From: Lakshman Watawala [http://www.pacbell.net/~watawala]
    Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:13 PM
    To: 'Andy Nallappan'; 'Anne'; http://www.documentum.com/~arvindh.sabapathy;
http://www.alias.ltd.uk/~carl.geenen; http://profiles.yahoo.com/dihuyen; Faith Weber - ESC;
http://www.mobitor.com/~goedicke; http://www.osisoft.com/~harry; http://www.concentric.net/~hillweld;
http://www.cisco.com/~hshankar; http://www.osisoft.com/~hsmith; http://www.hotmail.com/~james4ye;
http://www.bentley.com/~jim.merry; http://www.osisoft.com/~jmorishita;
http://www.trinitytechnologies.com/~joe.morray; http://www.bentley.com/~keith.holce;
http://www.bentley.com/~ken.adamson; http://profiles.yahoo.com/kent_kobuchi; http://www.gmail.com/~kjwchu;
http://www.pacbell.net/~l-phipps; http://www.documentum.com/~lalith.subramanian;
http://www.mobitor.com/~lwatawala; http://www.aspentech.com/~marie.telepneff; http://www.osisoft.com/~mkahn;
http://www.ix.netcom.com/~nicholsp; http://www.gmail.com/~paolin.hsu; 'Peter';
http://www.drulrikewalter.com/~peter; http://www.bigfoot.com/~pirpan; http://www.visualnetworks.com/~rcue;
http://www.pacbell.net/~rjcarell; 'Robert'; http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert; 'Ron Lange';
http://www.trinitytechnologies.com/~shiraz.jaffer; http://www.pacbell.net/~sundark; 'Susan Clouse';
http://www.walker.com/~swl; http://www.vafa.com/~vafa; 'Vahid Schricker'; Vahid Schricker - ESC;
http://www.sendmail.com/~vyee; http://www.us.oracle.com/~wsheu; http://www.avaya.com/~zcaklovi;
    Subject: EA Photos

    Hi All,

    Here is the link to Karen's photos from Saturday evening (thanks Karen):


    When I find time one of these week-ends I might take up on Sundar's
suggestion to start a Yahoo group with the email addresses we have. Better
yet, if there is a volunteer who would like to do that I can forward the
address list. Please let me know.

    It was very good seeing everyone after all these years. We had a great
time catching up. Thanks Joe, for traveling all the way to be with us. That
was a nice surprise!



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