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Re: info stuff...

 > From: Bhavani <http://www.juno.com/~margaretch>
 > Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 09:47:44 -0500
 > Noelle & Robert-
 > Just wanted yous to know that we(Richard, Chris, Bhavani) decided to give
 > Flora netflix's again for her 40th-since she got hooked when you
 > generously gave it to her last Xmas .

Excellent.  Unfortunately, I'll have to re-friend her.

 > Noelle how was your last day at work? Were you guys  interested in seeing
 > the movie  Borat ?

Noelle wants to see it.  It sounds kinda funny.  In any case, I like
people who hold nothing sacred.

 > I spoke to Jim last night and he wanted to know what was new with you
 > both.

http://robertb.stumbleupon.com ?

 > Judy apparently has some cancer cells now in her other breast and
 > will be going Monday to the hospital??
 > Anyway- we (RGB & BMB) have joined Planet Fitness -$39 for registration
 > and $10 a month-good deal, huh.

Damn you, damn you all to hell.

 > Write or call when U can or want . ~BhavanKnee

Why do you want this page removed?