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Re: I'm moving!

 > From: "Reimers, Mark \(NIH/NCI\) [E]" <http://www.mail.nih.gov/~reimersm>
 > Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 21:06:30 -0400
 > Hello Robert and Noelle,
 > You may know I had to leave my current position. Albert Einstein College
 > of Medicine made me a wonderful offer, but I couldn't see being happy
 > living in NYC, without any previous home equity to mitigate the high
 > costs there. Virginia Commonwealth University, a middling but
 > up-and-coming place, made a better offer financially, in a much easier
 > place to live. After many flip-flops, and much tossing and turning at
 > night, I finally accepted VCU. Today was my last day at NIH. After a
 > week in the Canyons, and a week moving, I'll start Oct 23
 > How is software in Ca?

Fine, so far.  Looks like this month and much of next month, I'll be
working a lot.

I'll let Noelle expand upon her work situation.

We may get to see Sue over Thanksgiving.  We'll see...

We just got back from a weekend at Mono Lake near Yosemite.  Very
interesting, lots of cool people in the group.

 > Cheers,
 > Mark
 > Mark Reimers,
 > Biostatistician, 
 > National Cancer Inst.,
 > 9000 Rockville Pike, bldg 37, room 5068
 > Bethesda MD 20892

Why do you want this page removed?