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Re: Hi again . . . (RE: hi and Net Neutrality (fwd)) (fwd)

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 09:36:06 -0700 (PDT)
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 06:43:39 +0000
 > From: Susan  <http://www.hotmail.com/~susan>
 > To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
 > Subject: Re: Hi again . . . (RE: hi and Net Neutrality (fwd))
 >   I'll check both the bus and train schedules for the day after
 > Thanksgiving.  You know how I am about leaving the princess
 > more than 16 hours, though.  Since it's only a couple hours
 > away, I was thinking I could do a r/t in a day.
 > That's great about Robert's sister getting a handle on her diabetes
 > and making some positive changes.
 > I'm glad mine's not to that degree; BUT, clearly, I have to make
 > some positive changes myself.
 > According to Zogby, Angelides is only a few points behind and
 > the margin of error is equal to those number of points.  It's actually
 > rather good news for Angelides.  I can't say he's warming the
 > cockles of my heart though.

Yeah.  I think everyone feels this way.  What counts is to stop Arnold:

 > I'll do what I can to support him and
 > I'll certainly vote for him, but I sure wish it was John running for
 > Gov.
 > Keep me posted on the job front.  I don't blame you for wanting
 > to take some time to rethink the whole business.  You really haven't
 > had a break.  Take whatever time you can; you deserve it.
 > I just spoke with my cousin Kathy (Ma's sister's daughter).  Our other
 > cousin Janet (Ma's other sister's daughter), who has been in practice
 > since 1981 and was appointed to a judgeship in 1994, was removed
 > from the bench on 8/24.  I received a somewhat rambling letter from
 > Auntie June (Janet's mother) yesterday, so I called Kathy for a more
 > objective overview and update of what happened.  Janet wasn't
 > happy the way some things were going so she filed a grievance with
 > the judicial committee and it backfired.  She's now pissed and disillusioned
 > with the legal profession, and isn't sure she ever wants to practice
 > again.  (She was NOT disbarred.  It was an administrative issue.)
 > She has decided to do the same thing as you; take some time out
 > to figure out her next steps.
 > I'm sensing a lot of changes in the universe right now -- and NOT
 > just because Pluto was downgraded to a "dwarf" planet (frankly, that
 > whole thing smacks of the astronomers watching one too many
 > Disney films).  I can't quite put my finger on what "it" is; I just sense
 > it and I know there's a lot more coming.  I guess all we can do is
 > stay tuned and try to be prepared.  (What can I say?  I'm just an
 > old Girl Scout.)
 > Love you,
 > >From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > >Reply-To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
 > >To: Susan  <http://www.hotmail.com/~susan>
 > >Subject: Re: Hi again . . . (RE: hi and Net Neutrality (fwd))
 > >Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 19:08:00 -0700 (PDT)
 > >
 > >Hi! the net neutrality e-mail was in response to something Robert forwarded
 > >to Mark about that issue, which I forwarded.
 > >If you want to come the day after Thanksgiving, that would be nice.We have 
 > >an extra bed there if you want to sleep over.My dad & Gail are returning 
 > >from her sister's in Dallas Friday night(quick T-day trip).
 > >Robert's younger sister was diagnosed with diabetes last year.she lost a 
 > >lot of weight after taking glucophage and eating a bit every 2 hours.And 
 > >she recently left her alcoholic boyfriend and that should help the stress 
 > >part.She called me and she is positive about the changes in her life.
 > >In 2 weeks we will be on our Mono Lake trip. Then after we get back I'll 
 > >resign my job. I need time away from coding to see if I really want to keep
 > >doing that part of medical records or another part. Or study for the coding
 > >test(my former teacher suggested that).I know our modern society strongly 
 > >encourages multitasking, but I don't enjoy it. Heck, I don't have a 
 > >mortgage, nor kids, and Robert's job is going well...I need to get away to 
 > >get perspective.
 > >We went to a street fair here and went to the Democrats' table.You will be 
 > >happy to know we took a STOP ARNOLD/GO PHIL fan and now it's in our front 
 > >window.
 > >Noelle

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