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oppose S. 1349, the so-called 'Video Choice Act of 2005'


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Message sent to the following recipients:
Senator Feinstein
Message text follows:



August 13, 2005

[recipient address was inserted here]

 [recipient name was inserted here],

	Please oppose S. 1349, the so-called 'Video Choice Act of 2005'.
Among other things, in the cable area this bill will:
· Nationalizes franchising, which prevents state and local governments
from meeting local community needs
· Eliminates financial and technical support that is critical to the
creation of local programs.
· Puts existing PEG facilities at risk.
· Puts at risk facilities, such as I-nets, that support public safety,
schools, emergency services and municipal communications.
· Launches a race to the lowest common denominator of public service.
· Abandons long-standing commitments to localism.
· Undermines universal service commitments to rural and low income
· Invites the redlining of entire communities.
· Transfers effective local enforcement to the federal bureaucracy or
the courts.

We support video competition and believe this can be and is being
adequately addressed with local franchises.  This bill does not approach
comparability in terms of benefits for municipalities or the public
compared to current cable franchises.  And it's apparently abolishing of
cellular tower zoning, telephone franchises and fees and restrictions on
government communications systems are all harmful, for no apparent
purpose. For these reasons, we ask that you oppose this bill.




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