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Re: automata etc.

 > From: Leonid Leibman <http://www.raqia.com/~leonidl>
 > Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 10:27:41 -0400
 > ---Executing: html-to-ascii
 > Hi, Robert -- I found out an interesting fact about
 > DFA-s. Remember that there was a problem determining
 > where the brackets for the scopes should go? because
 > of ambiguities in expressions like (xa*)y*a, one cannot
 > just say to separate out a sub-DFA xa*, match it and
 > go on because * is too greedy. However the following
 > seems to be true if a DFA is isomorphic to a (right)
 > portion of the big DFA, then the greediness of *
 > doesn't causes problems. In this example xa* is not
 > isomorphic to the initial section of the big DFA since
 > the third state is not accepting in the latter.
 > However for (xa*)y*a* it is and if "y" is not in the input
 > we get (xa*)a* and it is OK to match the inner a...

Interesting.  I was looking at that code the other day.  I finally got it
to (1) allow recursions down the tag tree and (2) do reductions so a rule
can contain references to other rules (your code already mostly did this).
But, as expected, it's very slow -- about 4x as slow.  (Should have just
used YACC!)

And parsing out the "content" from a web page is a pain -- the size of the
patterns will end up being huge.

 > Anyway, how is it going with you. Something
 > interesting? new? What's going on with L2G?

Just wallowing around, looking for a way to make money, as usual.

 > P.S. What's your opinion about free BSD vs Linux? I'm
 > thinking to install one of them on the C drive of my
 > computer and I'm trying to make a choice. I'm somewhat
 > afraid that C is the master disk and W2000 sits on the
 > slave.

Unplug the computer with W2000 on it before installing.

Try http://www.progeny.com/prodserv/progenystore/ .  FreeBSD is quite good.
But Debian just rocks!

Why do you want this page removed?