--- Forwarded mail from http://www.aol.com/~SherrifTruman (Sherrif) From: http://www.aol.com/~SherrifTruman (Sherrif) Newsgroups: alt.tv.tv-nation Date: 6 Nov 2002 13:02:22 -0800 Message-ID: <63505fe1.0211061302.http://www.posting.google.com/~d225231> "I think that there's something in the American psyche, it's almost this kind of right or privilege, this sense of entitlement, to resolve our conflicts with violence. There's an arrogance to that concept if you think about it. To actually have to sit down and talk, to listen, to compromise, that's hard work. To go for the gun, that's the cowardly act." That's Michael Moore, the so-called lefty. He's making a ton of sense there. The rest of the great interview is at Morphizm here: http://www.morphizm.com/recommends/interviews/mikecolumbine.html Enjoy... LBC --- End of forwarded message from http://www.aol.com/~SherrifTruman (Sherrif)