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Happy Summer Solstice!

Happy Solstice!  This will probably be the last message I send in a while
because I think it's rude being put essentially on a mailing list without
asking.  The main reason I'm writing is that the phone number I gave last
time was incorrect and I felt, to prevent someone else from getting my
phone calls, I should correct this.  My full information will be included
here and below will be my latest comments (which you may skip if you

As usual, you can always find me on:

	www.yahoo.com (People Search)

using Advanced Search.

If you tried writing me and never got a response, it may be that my mail
was screwed up -- I may never have received it.  Please mail me again if
you want.  My mail should be more stable now.

So, yesterday, I was driving and took a left turn.  As usual, I used my
signals, and while doing this, the car behind me beeps and holds it
beeping while passing me on the right.  Therefore, it is my conclusion
that you are driving well if you get beeped at -- try to get beeped at as
often as you can in Boston!  It's a sign of your good driving skills.

What's really great is getting beeped at for walking in a pedrestrian
walkway.  I've been wondering if someone did in fact hit me in one of these
walkways/crosswalks.  Has any of you actually got hit?

Noelle and her friend think that Bostonians (and generally people on the
east coast) don't hide their feelings but that Cans do.  That is,
they claim that Cans only act nice on the outside but on the
inside are every bit as mean.  I disagree.  I really do think that, for
the most part, Cans are genuinely nicer (actually, I think this is
true of the west coast in general).  And, besides which, even if people
are truly mean everywhere, I'd prefer that people keep it to themselves
since I'm a highly sensitive person (and obsessive to boot [that sounds
funny -- not a computer!]).

I've decided to start No Kidding!, the social activities group for people
without children.  Eventually, I'll be getting my home page working for
it.  Once I do, I'll try to set our initial meeting.  (I guess it takes a
bit before the domain name to get registered by all the servers...)
Unfortunately, the Boston chapter of ZPG (Zero Population Growth) seems
more interested in stopping immigration than in birth control, so I
probably won't have any recruits from there.

With all the rain lately, we discovered that we have a leak in our roof.  It
isn't too bad and my father has some ideas how to fix it.  Thankfully, our
basement was relatively dry (just a little water), unlike a lot of people.
(There was a flash flooding warning in Newton, the town right next store.)

The Gay & Lesbian Pride Parade was supposed to take place last Saturday,
but it was rained out.  So, it'll be delayed by a month.  It's pretty
amazing that a state as supposedly liberal as Ma is as
homophobic as it is.  The announcement of the parade did not even appear
in the local newspaper, the Allston- TAB.  I wanted to go just to
try to support the community.

We finally have a cat.  Noelle's friend drove from Rochester NY to drop it
off here in Boston.  Now, to somehow find vegetarian cat food...

I'm getting better at dealing with my public transit commute.  I'm
building a database of arrival and departure times.  Unfortunately, today
(a rather rainy day), the bus never arrived!  That ruins everything.  So,
those of us waiting decided to join forces and called a taxi to bring us
to the local train station.  We exchanged phone numbers so we can have a
"shuttle" of sorts so this won't happen again...  At least, we hope so...

My next message won't be for a while.  But, feel free to communicate with
me on a one-on-one basis.

Why do you want this page removed?