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Flora <http://www.yahoo.com/~flora>: hello: flying into Maryland or Delaware

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From: Flora  <http://www.yahoo.com/~flora>
To: Margaret <http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~bhavani>,Margaret
<http://www.juno.com/~margaretch>,margaretch <http://www.subdimension.com/~margaretch>
Subject: hello
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 02:59:34 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <20020717095934.77994.http://www.web10705.mail.yahoo.com/~qmail>

So, this is the story.  We drove to Ramstein this past
Saturday to see if Tim and the kids could get a Space
A flight on Sunday.  There were three flights that
went to either Maryland or Delaware, but they couldn't
get a flight.  Tim and the kids were category five and
the Space A never even got through all of category
three.  We left Ramstein after we learned that the
third and final plane was full.

In two weeks when I go on leave, we will all be
category three.  My leave starts on the 29th of July
and again we'll try to travel Space A.  Tim and I have
decided to give it three days to get a flight on Space
A.  We will likely fly into Maryland or Delaware. 
We're not sure exactly how we'll get to N.
 We'll either rent a car, take a bus, or a train.

We go to the field next Wednesday, come back from the
field, then I go on leave.  That's it for now.

Love, Flora

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