Thanks for all your sage advise. My original upper limit was going to be $300. I think that'll still be my limit. The "start-up" kit says "plan for the first meeting one month ahead" of placing ads, PSAs, etc. I'm not sure when this first meeting will be. I was originally planning August; then September; and now October. I just don't think that having 3 out-of-towners and myself meet will be particularly useful. I think you're right, though. Targetting intellectuals at universities may be the most fruitful demographic. Most people I've met around here seem to be "traditional family" types, even those at work. (Hence, my need for this club...) And, I think it'll be harder to do this No Kidding! in Boston than almost anywhere on the west coast (including Vancouver) since I think people are a bit more traditional-2.3-children-family around here. Good things come to those who persevere...