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psptool & the "pause/run" button?

I was wondering: has anyone made something so that one could push the
"pause/run" automatically (probably via Tcl/Tk's "send") such that, for
example, when I leave for the day and my lockscreen automatically comes
up, that the button is pushed so time no longer accumulates?
To: http://www.juno.com/~kronstadt, http://www.juno.com/~kadd
Subject: Re: I have a hankerin' for some pork products.

I use xautolock and currently I call a script that does various things, and
this could be an extra thing it does.

(It seems like this would be an FAQ, but I cannot find such a document for


robert                        |          Software, Inc.
email:http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert       | 800 West Cummings Park, Ste 4950
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voice:  x100            |                fax: 781-932-2558

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