Thank you for your help in the Terminal Room at the USENIX Annual Conference in Anaheim. I appreciate your willingness to miss technical sessions, BOFs, other conference happenings. Having responsible volunteers makes coordination of the room a pleasure and I am grateful for your effort. Thank you on behalf of both myself and the USENIX Association. The next general USENIX conference will be in held in New Orleans, in June 1998. The LISA Conference will be October 26-31 1997 in San Diego. If you have suggestions (I'm sure you must) about things that can be done to make the room run more smoothly, please let me know. You (all) are my most valuable feedback resource. If you are interested in working in the Terminal Room again, watch for the posting in, or check the USENIX web pages for information when the conference materials are available (usually 8-12 weeks before the event). It has been my pleasure to work with you. Gretchen Phillips USENIX Association Terminal Room Co-ordinator